
Showing posts from 2018

Mt. Nebo 10 miles - Very Hard

Aaron Jensen wanted to summit Nebo, Loafer and Timp to celebrate his 41st birthday.  I joined him for the first. Eleven people joined the run. We met at Peteetneet in Payson at 4:30 AM and drove to the parking lot just past Mona Road.  The short jaunt from the parking to the trailhead added a little extra distance. It was a beautiful morning. Kyle, Aaron J, Mike, Sean, Jesse, Aaron, Tyler, Zack, Melanie Aaron, Aaron, Melanie, Tyler, Zach, Sean, Kyle, Jesse, Isaiah At the top! Highest peak in Utah County - 11,936 ft according to this watch This was an attempt to put Sean on my shoulder like he did with me two years ago on this run.  (See the third picture on this post .) Heading down. Nebo in the background. We saw two herds of mountain goats.  Aaton picked up some wool to keep his neck warm.

Johnson Meadows with Sean, Jon, Brian, and Clay, 6.5

Apologies to all of my fans and followers for the long hiatus.  Having put on a few pounds during the winter hibernation months, I'm finally back up and running.  It was great to be back with these guys.  And really nice to have Clay Kincaid join us for the first time.  Clay is a superstar, so I'm expecting this blog to really take off now. Johnson Meadows is a nice 6.5 with a few short climbs.  It begins and ends at Timpanogos Park in Provo Canyon.  I enjoy this loop. Clay, John, Sean, Brian Running through the meadow Looking southwest down Provo Canyon, Utah Lake in the distant background Provo Canyon from above